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Class 2

Welcome to Class 2


Years 3 & 4

Over this half term, Class 2 have been looking at Classification in their Science lessons. Each week, they have researched a different classification of ‘living things’ and the children have made an interactive book to present their work in, with excellent results.

Well done to Class 2, they have been writing programs, testing them out and debugging algorithms to collect items to make a ‘sandwich’.

Class 2 learning about the internet.

Class 2 had an amazing time during their ‘Victorian Visit’ to the Judges Lodgings in Lancaster. They experienced life a poor person, carried out servant’s jobs for the Judge and attended school. They finished their day playing with Victorian toys.

In Design and Technology, Class 2 have been cooking and baking using ‘Seasonal Food’. Fairy cakes, jam tarts, meatballs and a selection of sandwich fillings have all been created and enjoyed by the children.

Class 2 have been very busy this half-term looking at plants and flowers. We have made paper models of flowers and investigated how the wind disperses seeds using paper copters.

In Class 2’s Textiles lessons we have created 3D paper weaves and collages inspired by Richard Brennard-Wood. For Design and Technology Class 2 designed, created and evaluated their seasonal stockings – the first sewing lesson for some of the children. They all look beautiful.

Last week, Class 2 were very excited to bring their bikes into school for a Bikeability training morning. They practiced riding around the playground, signaling to turn and stopping safely. They even competed in a race where the slowest rider was the winner. All the children enjoyed the session and grew in confidence when riding their bikes.

Class 2 visited Martin Mere on Wednesday 23/6/21 for their science trip. We took part in a pond dipping activity and looked closely at how animals have adapted to living in their habitat. We also had the opportunity to feed the birds which the children enjoyed. It was great to see the children engaging with the learning and seeing how varied wildlife can be.

This term Class 2 have been learning about electricity - look at the fantastic working models they have created. Well done to everyone!

Class 2 have been learning all about the Ancient Greeks this half term. As part of their learning, Miss Bradley has taught them how to make collages and papier mache vases. They also got the chance to make their very own warrior helmet whilst learning about the battle of Marathon. Did you know? The word Marathon means, ‘a place full of fennels’. The battle of Marathon was fought in 490BC in the ancient district of Attica, on a small plain in the Marathon region. The battle was fought between the Greeks and the Persians. Marathon was roughly 25 miles from the city state of Athens. The Greek army only had 10,000 men whilst the Persians had a whopping 25,000! Due to the Greeks being so well prepared, they went on to win the fight and defended Athens, protecting it from being conquered by Persia. The Greeks sent a messenger called Pheidippides to run to Athens to tell the people about the victory. To this day, the word marathon means a 26.2 mile footrace and it commemorates Pheidippides’ efforts all those years ago!

This half term in Computing Class 2 have been learning what algorithms are and writing programmes for specific purposes. They have enjoyed testing out their programmes to make a robot travel around a maze, knock down ten pin bowls and to coordinate a route to collect points.

Sampling Greek food

Home Learning - Great work on suffixes

Home Learning - some great experiments taking place, well done!

Home Learning - working hard on times tables and spellings. Well done!

Home Learning - Looks like a busy week, honouring the war veterans on VE Day, taking daily exercise and making a new friend (the horse). Loving the way you are working and teaching your doll as well. Well done!

How good is this! One of our pupils entertained his neighbours for a few hours this weekend (in the heat) by playing his cornet to raise money for Derian House. The village supported him so well he smashed his target of £50 and so far has raised £200. Well done, how amazing to use lock down time to help others.

Home Learning - You Tube Art Tutorial

Home Learning - Enjoying learning about Australia

Home Learning- Someone has been busy, look at that huge piece of art!

Home Learning - Some children have completed a virtual camp this weekend for Beavers, covering the entire weekend and doing lots of fun tasks and activities as well as camping in the house and doing a virtual St George's Parade. Today is busy writing letters and drawing pictures to post to friends and family. . Well done. Thank you for sharing.

Home Learning - Thank you for sharing with us. Great to see measuring skills being used with your baking and keeping in touch by writing letters to your friends.

Home learning - Thank you for sharing with us. Well done on learning to ride your bike and continuing with your lessons.

Nutrition Mission This morning Y3 & Y4 were joined by Sarah, from South Ribble Sports Partnership, to learn all about health and nutrition. They recapped learning they had already done in Science about food groups and why we need to make better choices with the food we eat. New learning included checking the colour of our urine to see if we were well hydrated or not. Also checking labels on drinks bottles for sugar content. The children really enjoyed their experience and were asking all sorts of fantastic questions and engaging in the lesson brilliantly!

In Forest School Class 2 learnt all about food chains and how energy comes from the sun to feed producers, consumers and predators. They had to link up to make a food chain.

Class 2 baking and making for Christmas!

Children in Class 2 were treated to a special afternoon at Gawthorpe Hall on Tuesday. They watched the housekeeper make a plum pudding, made pot pourri, played parlour games, sang Christmas Carols and met the magical Father Christmas! Everyone had a blast!

Hockey Skills

This morning children in Class 2 learnt about how to stay safe on a scooter. The skills they covered included speeding up, slowing down, being aware of what was around them, braking, turning and riding in a straight line. Each child got a certificate for taking part and they all listened and behaved themselves perfectly! Well done Year 3 and 4!

26.9.19 The children in Class 2 were transported back to 1867 yesterday as they experienced life in a Victorian Classroom. The dreaded ‘Madam Harper’ forced them to write on slates, find countries on a globe, recite times tables by heart and anyone found not cooperating got the dunces Hat of Shame!

Enjoying Forest School in our beautiful grounds,

Design and Technology. The detail in these models are fantastic, great teamwork by Class 2.

Class 2 taking their learning outside at Lytham beach. A very interesting day learning about creatures that live in the sand dunes, the mud pools and the ocean.

Enjoying Athletics

Parents and Grandparents were invited to join Class 2 on their trip to South America last week. They had a great time exploring eight different countries that the Amazon Rainforest goes through. Some of the highlights included: chocolate tasting, peeling raw cacao beans, tasting tropical fruits and drawing animals.

Scoot Safe. Class 2 learning how to maintain their scooter and ride safely

Enjoying our Forest School Programme

Class 2 have been doing lots of activities in their unit 'Beyond Sport'

Investigating 3D shapes

Class 2 have been learning about Judaism. They learnt about Shabbat, which is the weekly celebration in Jewish families to give thanks to God for creating the world. The children made a traditional Challah bread loaf.

Class 2 planned an experiment to see which material would make the best umbrella. We went outside and tested 6 materials before coming back into class to discuss our findings.
